I asked Holy Spirit what He was saying to me. He reminded me of the new BARBIE movie. I am not endorsing the movie, but I did go see it to see what it was all about. I do suggest you watch Jonathon Cahn’s expose on the movie.
Holy Spirit then said, you were born into an era where American ‘idealism’ seemed like the perfect lifestyle. Television programming began to enforce this ‘idealism’ throughout your childhood into adulthood. Although, that is not what you lived, the perfect female lived in the house with the white picket fence where the family was ideal. The neighbors, schools and cities were safe, and everyone followed the ideal American societal rules.
In the 1960’s when prayer was taken out of the schools and the moral compass began to fall, the seven pillars of society were beginning to crumble as Freemasonry entered and laid a false cornerstone in every government building, every school, every church, and business that would allow them. This occult cornerstone allowed access to the occult. Demonic spirits invaded these areas and began to crumble our society from the inside out. Once the foot was in the door and had invaded church leadership, government, education and businesses, corruption began.
The ideal family did not exist, although, America was considered a Christian nation with a church on every corner. God sent a number of moves of the Holy Spirit to bring revival/repentance and His order into our nation. These moves lasted a while, but as we were such a blessed nation, we did not pay attention to the spiritual legal ground given to the occult that now had entrance. We received the moves of the Spirit but went about life again.
In the Barbie movie, Barbie lives in a Barbie world where everything is perfect. All the Barbies are perfect and nothing changes. Until one day, Barbie had other thoughts about life and death. Suddenly her world began to change. Her feet that were perfectly high heel shaped became flat. Her ‘plastic’ world began to come alive. With some help from ‘weird Barbie’ she was sent into the real world to see what had happened. Things get turned
upside down, but Barbie begins to feel, experience, and understand that the world is bigger. She has a chance to change and be transformed.
The Holy Spirit said, “I am calling this nation to repent, to change garments, remove and destroy the false cornerstone and replace it with Jesus Christ the true cornerstone. I am calling you off the porch into a new harvest field, clothed in Christ with a fiery boldness and passion awakening to your condition, knowing that your life is in Christ alone. Give Me the false cornerstone and step out into new fields. Break off the false narrative and step into My Kingdom narrative. This is My move, keep moving with Me and in Me, in your true identity.”